Orthodox Books

Recommended by the Orthodox Calendar Company bookshop

Orthodox Bibles and Psalms

In the Acts of the Apostles, the Spirit said to the Apostle Philip, “Go near and join thyself to this chariot.” And Philip ran up and heard the Ethiopian eunuch reading the Prophet Isaiah,” and he said, “So then dost thou really understand what thou readest?” The Eunuch replied, “No, how can I, unless someone should guide me?” (Acts 8:29-30).

We especially like these versions of the Holy Gospels and the Psalter. The explanations by the Saints, such as St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, St. Athanasius, and St. John of Damascus, among many others, illuminate the meaning of the passages.

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Orthodox Christian Books: Inspiring Wisdom and Spiritual Guidance

At the Orthodox Calendar Company, we take great pride in crafting profound and insightful Orthodox books centered around Orthodox Christian saints and teachings. Our collection offers a treasure trove of wisdom, spiritual guidance, and inspiration for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of the Orthodox faith.

Each book we produce is meticulously researched, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and authenticity. We explore the lives, virtues, teachings, and miracles of Orthodox Christian saints, presenting their stories in a captivating and accessible manner. Through these narratives, readers are invited into the rich tapestry of the Orthodox Christian tradition, discovering profound insights that resonate with their own spiritual journeys.

Our Orthodox Christian books cover a wide array of topics, including theology, spirituality, liturgy, ethics, and the lives of specific saints. Whether you are a newcomer to Orthodox Christianity or a seasoned believer, our collection caters to individuals at all levels of familiarity with the faith.

We understand the importance of authenticity and theological accuracy. Our books adhere strictly to Orthodox teachings and traditions, ensuring that readers can trust the information and spiritual guidance they encounter within our pages.

We invite you to explore our collection of Orthodox Christian books and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth and understanding. Immerse yourself in the lives of the saints, discover timeless teachings, and draw inspiration from the rich heritage of Orthodox Christianity.

Browse our selection today and experience the transformative power of Orthodox Christian wisdom through numerous Orthodox Christianity books.
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2025 digital lives of the saints calendar

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Download the 2025 Lives of the Saints Calendar

This 365-page daily calendar book features the life of an Orthodox saint, insightful teachings from the Saints and elders of the Church, a list of all commemorations for the day, Gospel and Epistle readings, fasting guidelines, and references to feasts. The stories include the lives of Greek, Russian, Georgian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Serbian, English, Celtic, and American saints.

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